Village of Clovers
This must be the good fortune's homeland, right? Still, in order to have this village decorated you don't need to use your lucky amulet, luck has nothing to do with it, you just need to get yourself loaded with amazing decoration skills and you will give is such a lovely chic look in no time. Are you ready to show off your talent as an exterior designer playing the village of clovers decoration game?
Now that you've selected the tiny patch of grass in the village that you'd like to start beautifying, how about livening it up and coloring it up with lots of tiny cottage featuring candy-colored leaf-shaped roves? They sure look like some sweet, lovely lucky amulets, don't they? I'm convinced that you never miss a chance to play village decoration games, the lovely designed ones like this one here, right? Don't forget to complete this countryside scenery with wooden fences, lots and lots of vivid green fruit trees and rustic fountains. As for the lucky inhabitant populating this village of eternal luck and good fortune, they're as cute as chubby cheeked, sweet looking little girls can be. Feel free to pick the ones to be the first to witness their village of clovers' change of look!
Enjoy exercising your skills as a decorator playing the village of clovers decoration game!