Sweet Raspberry Scones
Imagine some mouth-watering, highly tantalizing, freshly baked strawberry scones! Does your mouth water already? Well, then what would you say about challenging your skills as a pastry cook and actually baking such a yum yum fruity treat? So, get ready to mix the very first ingredients listed in the recipe for preparing the dough! Put together some flour, sugar, some baking powder, too, some lemon zest and sprinkle some zest, as well. Use the whisk for blending them all together! Next, don't forget to add some butter to your mixture, too! Master handle the pastry blender popping up on your screen as indicated through those white arrows that you have there and then add some cream, too! As a cooking games for kids fan you'll certainly agree that this is one of those that make some great tutorials for a desserts fan like you! Keep up the good work till you get to the dough's rolling part. It will be followed by the step where you place the fresh, tasty raspberries into the little freezer put at your disposal!