Sushi Rolls
You can't really state you love Japanese food until you don't become a true expert at cooking one of the Japanese cuisine's most famous dishes: sushi rolls! Attend this fun cooking class here and learn to all about this popular recipe. Wash the rice through and through, first of all, then drag and drop all the right items, in the right sequence, placing them onto the oven, for boiling the rice. Turn on the fire, place the pan on the oven and then... which which are the future bubbles to select from those rolling in the bottom of your screen. You might have surely playing other sushi cooking games online, but you have to admit that this is one of most addictive one of them all! The next stet to take: mixing all the ingredients specified in the recipe for preparing your special sauce. Try to remember the perfect sequence for dropping them into the bowl you have there: pour some oil, add some vinegar, then... Mix the sauce with the rice and next...