School Kissing Break
Now, isn't that a pity! These two classmates are of Cupid “victims”, for one of his ”trouble maker” love arrows have struck them so that now they are madly in love with each other, but how could they give each other sweet kisses with all those teachers keeping a close eye on them during classes, during break-time, while they're on the school's hallways or even when they're waiting for their bus home?
How about giving the cute angel of love a helping hand in his love spreading mission and see that these two lovebirds seize every chance they have to kiss whenever there's no one looking? Now, Cupid's helper, play theschool kissing break game and give these two cuties a click whenever you're real sure they're not being watched, then, quick ,quick, another click when “danger” approaches and there's a intruder approaching them or ready to set his eye them! Whether it's in the classroom, on the high-school's hallway, in the parking lot, at the bus station or even in front of this lovely girl's house, where they stop to give each other their goodnight kiss, play your love messenger role like a pro' and keep our two madly in love teens here safe from any nosy intruders that might catch them and make them lose one of their three lives while they're having their romantic kissing moments. In each of the school kissing break game's levels there are there lives given to our adorable teen couple, so treasure them and do you best to preserve them and get to the next level by helping these lovebirds kiss till that bar there, on the bottom of the page, gets filled completely, paying attention to the ticking clock, too.
Have fun playing this cool online kissing game and being this two lovers' hero and grand protector!