Ratatouille Pizza
Does the thought of a great-tasting, yummy, healthy veggies-covered pizza make you... drool? Then you should no way skip the ratatouille pizza cooking class! It's about to begin, so get ready to prepare your pizza dough, first of all! Find all the ingredients you'll need scanning through the lovely onscreen kitchen, ingredients such as flour, baking soda, salt, vanilla essence etc. Once you've spotted them all and once they're all nicely displayed on your kitchen counter, go ahead and put them together, selecting them in the indicated sequence. Don't forget to use the electric mixer put at your disposal for blending them all together! It sure is one of the truly inspiring pizza cooking games online, isn't it? Next, knead your dough and roll it out, using the rolling pin popping up on your screen and get ready for the second major part of this cooking class: the one where you put together the yum yum veggie topping. Look for the fresh tomatoes, for the eggplant, too, for...