Raisin Pudding
Chef Sara's ready to teach you one of her most famous dessert recipes! You won't get this chance twice in a lifetime, so make sure you're a quick learner and... hurry up to catch a place in the front row in her multiequipped super kitchen, the place where the fun cooking class will take place. Play the raisin pudding cooking game and learn as many cooking tips as you can from lovely pastry cook Sara!
One major, major step to take, before each type of cooking session, is definitely: getting all your ingredients and kitchen tools ready on the kitchen cupboard! The very first items you'll need will be yummy raisins, 2 mixing bowls, some fresh water and a couple of eggs. Is this like one of the most helpful, cooking tips-filled pudding cooking games that you've ever played or what? Once you've placed the raisins into one empty bowl, make sure to break and throw the eggs into the second one, one by one! Great! You sure are a quick learner, who knows, maybe one day you'll be as good or even better than chef Sara at preparing such amazing, super tasty desserts! The second step to take will be to melt some fresh butter into the saucepan, which you, yourself, will be looking for while scanning through all the items gathered there, in Sara's kitchen cupboard. Then...
Play other pudding cooking games, too, on our website and seize the chance of becoming a true... pudding desserts “expert”!