Raisin Cinnamon Bread
Any time is... dessert time, especially when we're having delicious raisin cinnamon bread for dessert, right? Be quick to dig up all the best hidden secrets hiding behind this so very popular fruity delish recipe getting behind on-screen kitchen counter and... mixing the very first ingredients! Pour some flour into that bowl, then add some sugar, too, then some incredibly aromatic cinnamon, some baking powder as well and don't forget about the pinch of salt. Then, fill another bowl with tasty apple sauce, with eggs and... other ingredients that will guarantee your yummy dessert's incredible flavor! Make sure to mix the contents of the two bowls that you've just filled in and to add some tasty dried raisins, too. Place the mix into the microwave, then get ready for the slicing and the... imaginary tasting step! As quick as that! You will no doubt agree that none of the online cooking games for girls that you've enjoyed so far made you feel as it you were actually cooking, for real, an amazing treat!