Playful Kittens
If kittens just want to have fun, they fun is what they'll have and no one can stop them, not even mother cat! Whenever she's not looking, you'll be helping them torn the newspaper on the couch, or brake a flower pot or breaking the remote control. They sure are no angels, but they're so adorably cute that you simply can't help not joining their damage-producing games It's such a cute online skills game that will test your reaction times and which will give you the chance to join the most adorable trouble making kitty group in the online world! Seize each moments when mother cat is not watching her baby kittens and quick, take the first challenges you;re faced with in this cool skills game and pick a target object and click the right key on your keyboard to help your kitty do its tricky tricks on it. That newspaper, that flower pot, that photo frame cannot stand a chance of coming out “undamaged” by the end of their gaming session, that's for sure! Make sure the mother cat doesn't catch the playful kittens while they're being so naughty, for you might just loose some of the lives you're given at the beginning of each level you need to complete in the playful kittens skills game!
Join the cutest kitty group online, playing the playful kittens skills game, and be their accomplice in all of their tricky games they're planing to play!