Lighting McQueen Cupcakes
Put together the amazing flavor of some yum, yum cupcakes with the super cuteness of a famous... cartoon car character and you get some finger-licking deliciously looking: Lightning McQueen cupcakes! Don't miss the chance of learning how to bake these super tasty and so very adorably looking treats and start putting together the delicious cupcake batter. In no time you'll agree that this is one of the most inspiring cupcake cooking games online for a skillful pastry chef and a sweets addict like you! Pour some flour into the empty bowl you have there, then some cocoa, a pinch of salt, as well, some heavy cream and.. lots of other equally aromatic goodies and last but definitely not least, use the electric mixer you have there for putting together the yummy mix. It's this mix that you'll be pouring into the lovely looking cupcake wrapping you have there, which will go into the special cupcake pan popping up on your screen. Next...