Hazelnuts Ice Cream
Let me guess: you could never ever say no to a finger-licking good, refreshing ice cream! Well, then how does the idea of learning how to cook a yummy hazelnuts ice cream treat sound to you? Seize this chance and... go shopping! Scan the shelves at the supermarket, looking for all the ingredients listed on the recipe: milk, heavy cream, eggs etc. Next, once you step into the onscreen kitchen, let the ice cream cooking frenzy begin! Drop the very first ingredients in the pot placed there, on the stove! Start by pouring the milk, then continue with the heavy cream, then with the sugar. Once you've prepared your finger-licking hazelnut ice cream, start dropping ice cream scoops into that special glass popping up on your kitchen counter. The last and definitely the funniest part of this cooking show: decorating your ice cream with mouth-watering, eye-tempting toppings and frosting. Have fun!