Harry Styles
Are you ready to stand out form the crowd of Haryy Styles' big, big fans and “evolve” to the status of his personal stylist? He's about to step on the stage and into the spotlights, you know, to charm a new crowd of One Direction fanatics, so you'd better hurry and work your skills for getting him an awesome, polished stylish stage look! Any makeover and especially a celebrity makeover starts with a facial beauty treatment. That's right, you'll be Harry's own facialist, his “magic fairy” who, with some simple clicks, within a few seconds, will get his face all cleared off teen pimples, of nasty blackheads and who will get his eyebrows, too, a so very pulled together look. Have you, before, played other Harry Style games online as engaging as this one here? Once his complexion looks so very... kissable, work your talent even more and get him a jaw-dropping haircut and a fancy stylish stage fashion look, too!