Handfan Shop
I would like you to focus now on a more refined, sophisticated type of accessory: the manually made hand fan. Wouldn't you like add a hint of high class sophistication to your outfits and learn how to make your own unique fans? Then start practicing playing thehand fan shop management gameand learn how to make some really remarkable fans! Clients are as picky as hand fans are exquisite, so mind you respond to their taste and preferences when you create the hand fans they they dream of! Click on the category tabs there, on the bottom of the screen, and choose the shape of the paper folded fan, then adorn it with the type of flower painting that she prefers, choose a lovely wooden stick and create the hand fan of her most precious fantasies. Clients keep on coming, so mind you don't get too absorbed by you art, while playing this great management game, and be quick to serve all the customers!