Cheese Casserole
This super mom is planning to give her precious little kiddos a super... yum, yum surprise over dinner today: she'll be cooking them one of their top favorite dishes, cheese casserole. Since she's running late, would you care lending her a helping hand in the kitchen? The first thing you could do is... boiling the pasta. You have the pasta pot right there, on the onscreen kitchen counter, the pasta bag itself, the little oven, too, so make sure you use them all correctly in the right sequence! Once the pasta are ready, go on and put together the tasty mixture for the casserole, too! If you usually play cooking games for hours on end, you will no doubt agree that this is probably one of the best recipes you've learned so far! Pour all the ingredients already sliced, chopped and prepared, each one of the, in separate little bowls for you, in the exact sequence suggested to you by the onscreen arrow starting with the onion, continuing with the chopped onion, garlic, chopped Capuchin and so on. Once the mixture is cooked, go on and cook the cheese casserole...