Difference Quest
Like any authentic fashionista you can easily spot that slightest difference between 2 girls that wear the same dress at a party or between one fake and one authentic handbag. I am sure you will find the difference quest game so much to your liking!
Let's begin, let's test your perspicacity playing thisspot the difference game ! The images resemble more than 2 identical twins. Be attentive, my dear Sherlock Holmes, look at every lock of hair, at all the shapes of the clouds, when you play the spot the difference game you have to be a really good detective. Once you spot the difference, click on it and it will get circled. It's so super interesting, would you have thought appearances can be so deceiving. They cannot deceive you, though. Playing the spot the difference game you have your senses sharpened more and more for there are several levels you have to go through till you reach the end of the game and the certainty that nothing escapes your perspicacity.
Now, my trendy detective, let's see some fabulous clothes you could wear in your quest for the hidden truth. Play the classy Joana dress up game !